7 Easy to Grow Indoor Houseplants

Needless to say, not everyone is born with a green thumb. In fact, many are born with a special talent for destroying beauty.  However,  there have been a few lucky houseplants that have survived. It’s these that I highly recommend if you’re interested in easy to grow indoor houseplants.  Plants also have other benefits like added color to the interior and improved air quality.  So, I have a few flower gardening tips on indoor plants that I would like to share with you today.



I highly recommend the following easy to grow indoor houseplants:

1.  Ponytail  Palm – This  mini-tree houses a head of long green leaves that are arranged in a way that is reminiscent of elementary school pigtails.  It is easy to care for with  just a cup of water a week.  I think I can handle that – it can grow up to 3  feet tall.
2.   Aloe Vera – Both attractive and  functional, aloe vera is a modern-looking plant with incredible healing properties. Break off one of the shoots and apply the ooze inside to sunburns  for instant relief.
3.  Autograph  Plant – This is by  far one of the coolest indoor plant options. The Clusia rosea is known as the  autograph tree.  The plant’s leaves act as the perfect host for keeping special memories. Simply sketch in your name or draw a picture and it stays  there forever – or at least as long as you keep it alive.
4.   Peace Lily – A perfect plant if you’re fighting a lot. Really,  though, there are few better plants that help clear the air. Known for its great oxidizing attributes, the peace lily – with its white-flag flower – is exceptionally easy to grow and does well in low-lit areas.

5.   Spider Plant – Noteworthy, and another no-fail green. This plant is available in variegated shades as well as monochromatic green.  It has shoots of leaves that spit out from the base like the legs of a spider. 
6.   Pothos – My parents were given one of these as a housewarming gift, and it flourished  under their care, which is somewhat of a miracle considering the horticultural thumb of death runs in my family. Seriously, though: You can start with a small pot of pothos, and before you know it, a blazing trail of green starts to take over.

indoor houseplants
7.   English Ivy – This is the perfect choice for ridding your home of  litter air. English  Ivy can help break down and reduce the amount of fecal matter in the air left  behind by your beloved furballs. It is, however, toxic to animals and kids; so keep it out of their reach.
Last, try out these seven indoor houseplants options, and may the Gods shine upon them – and your thumb with favor.


BIO: Ali is a “Jill of all trades.” She writes about  gardening, home advice and healthy living on her blog Homey Improvements and is a  princess for hire at kids’ parties. Follow her on Twitter @DIYfolks.



  1. Haha I kill all my plants. I should try these ones. Great post!

    I would love if you came and took a look at my blog http://www.abigaildaybyday.blogspot.ca

    • Hi Susan, thanks for stopping by. Ali did a great job on this guest post. I'm a big fan of the Ivy, Spider, Aloe, and Pothos plants. I think you would have success with one of these. Keep me posted if you decided to try one. 

  2. I guess I'm one of those that was blessed with a green thumb, or maybe it's just because I grow the plants listed in the blog post. I love the Spider, Aloe and Ivy. It truly takes a lot to kill one of these plants, lol.

  3. I am usually pretty good at growing things outdoors — but house plants and I don't get along! Maybe I just haven't tried the right ones. Thanks!